How To Dance: Circles and Lines

Quick look anywhere on the inters of net, and you can find dance videos all over. Just type dance in the search of anything and you’ll see it. Now, everyone has the potential and ability to dance. If you can walk, you can dance. The first thing to work on will always be rhythm. To take a music class, or simply have an appreciation for music and find a way to bob your head to the beat, on beat, does wonders.

Now for the circles and lines. Movements can generally be broken down into their circles and lines. Even a circle is made of a line. Grooves are made of circular motions. Steps are made in linear fashion. The way you position your arms and legs will create different shapes.

Play around with your lines, draw circles, find a groove. Make them short and small movements, and try big and wide sweeping motions.

Dance is about playing with the music through your body. Go on, give it a shot when you get the chance. Find your favorite tune, and move.

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