In order to attract more good into your life. You need to feel good now. All of the sources I’ve been reading, studying, and diving myself into has had this message in some shape or form.
There’s multiple methods to achieving the state of feeling good, or even great. The trick is to maintain it even during trying times. It’s easy to feel good when things are going well, but to shift the attention to what you want instead of what you don’t when circumstances are not so hot can be challenging.
Gratitude is one of the methods. It takes some thinking if someone’s coming from a lower vibrational state. The question would then be, “If you COULD be grateful for something, what might it be?” Doesn’t mean the FEELING of gratitude is right there at that moment, but it will begin to shift the mind to start thinking of things to be grateful for. Eventually the feeling of gratitude becomes real, and the universe will bring you more experiences to be grateful for. It will most likely bring a resolution to whatever situation in a way which you may even be glad it happened, because you wouldn’t have become stronger or wouldn’t have reached the next level of yourself without it.
Another few methods are to dive into your hobbies, watch something that makes you laugh, or give a hug. They’re simple acts that can shift your feeling. Your feeling can shift your perspective. Your new perspective will entice new thoughts. Then the new thoughts will generate new actions, and your world will shift into a positive light.
I hope this finds you well. Remember, we are infinite beings living as eternity. Be aware in the present moment. Now is all that matters. Now is where dreams can be made into reality. Now is all the time we have. Even past, and future, can only be experienced in the present moment. So be here now. And feel good, now.