Benefits of Movement Training

Movement can help you clear toxins out of the body. It helps you stay limber, allows energy to flow, and will help you regain some energy. It’s a way to stay awake when you don’t have enough coffee, or don’t want to drink too much caffeine. Movement builds muscle, and can alleviate joint pains. It can lubricate your joints too.

Movement can be active meditation. It can be a healing modality. Mixed with music, it allows for creative expression through dance. It’s a form of art that allows for many possibilities.

Whether it’s dancing, martial arts, yoga, climbing, parkour, calisthenics, weight training, qi gong, walking, swimming, surfing, skating, running, or sports, each movement form has different ways to make you better as a human being.

Each movement form also has pros and cons. Too much strength training without stretching will make you too tight and unable to move to your fullest potential. Flexibility without strength will also limit you on what you are able to do because you may lack power.

In my opinion, it’s important to find the yin and yang of all movement styles. Hard and soft, strong and limber, slow and fast. Finding the opposites and playing with them will give you a wider range of movement possibilities.

Humans were made to move, to run, jump, flip, and find different movement modalities. We are the ultimate biological machine on planet earth. The sedentary lifestyle that modern living has created, is nice because it gives and allows us comfort. But if we stay still too long, energy doesn’t flow, we become numb, fat, and ill.

Who wants to look in the mirror and not feel proud of the person staring back? You can “accept” yourself wherever you are, but if you’re not envisioning how you could better yourself, then you have stagnated. It’s good to be happy, even content. It’s better to always be leveling yourself up. If you’re satisfied with 1/10th of your potential, or less, then all good. If not, if you see what’s possible and wonder if that’s possible for you too, know that there are no limits to what the human being can do.

Fuck what naysayers, haters, critics will say. They will stay in the same place unless they figure out how to get out of their own negativity. You are better than them, and if not, become better than them.

I believe in your unlimited potential. I have to believe in my own, because that’s the only way I can keep going to reach new heights of self discovery and actualization.

Keep going till it hurts a bit, then push a bit more, you might find that you’re more capable than you realize. Don’t injure yourself though, least not too much. But be okay with being deemed a little crazy, you kind of have to be to succeed in life.

Life is full of risks, and movement has it’s own set of risks. But it also allows you to step through your fears, and discover things that you may have once thought impossible for you.

Remember, nothing is impossible, everything is possible. Many “realists” say otherwise, but a limited reality is still limited. Infinity is everything, and limits are set by the mind. We are limited only by our imagination.

The laws of the universe may be set in stone, but the parameters allow for miraculous things that scientists can’t completely comprehend. Energy is infinite. We are vibrational beings. What next level can you reach for yourself? Let’s go!

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