
Breathing is an essential part of living. It gives us the oxygen that our body needs to function. It is also one way that we can connect with our higher selves.

The deeper we breathe, and the slower we breathe, the easier it is for the mind to calm down. We can use the practice to watch our thoughts come and go, and find the stillness in between those thoughts.

If our mind is swirling with anxiety, breathing nice and slow will calm our system down.

If we find that our body is feeling cold, or we have a headache, there’s some breathing methods like the Wim Hof method to regulate our temperature and relieve the pressure in the brain.

There’s so many ways that breathing can be integrated to bettering our lives. These are just some of the things that breathing can do. We breathe naturally when we are born, but we can tend to lose connection with that natural way of breathing.

If you are feeling fear, worry, or anxiety, notice how you’re breathing, or possibly not breathing. Many tend to hold their breath unintentionally. When you’re working out, are you breathing or are you holding your breath?

There’s ways to do breath holds with intention, but those require some practice and can be dangerous for those who don’t have a guide or have some energy deficiencies that they’re not aware of.

If you need a good intro, however, check out Wim Hof’s book – The Wim Hof Method

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